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Chinese translation for "parliament act"


Related Translations:
parliament:  n.1.议会,国会;立法机构。2.〔P-〕英国[加拿大]议会;〔P-〕(1789年法国大革命前的)最高法院。3.中古世纪弗罗伦萨 (Florence) 的武人集会。4.薄姜饼。短语和例子a member of P- 〔英国〕下院议员〔略作 M.P.〕。 convene [summon] parliament 召开议会。 dissolve P- 解散议会。 enter [go
parliament cake:  薄姜饼。
parliament hinge:  长羽铰链。
acting:  n.1.行为。2.演技,演出。3.装假,做戏。短语和例子a play suitable for acting 适合上演的剧本。adj.1.活动着的。2.代理的,临时的。3.(供)演出的。短语和例子an acting principal 代理校长。 an acting copy [script] 【戏剧】台本,脚本。 an acting volcano 活火山。
act:  短语和例子=1.Association of Classroom Teachers (美国)任课教师协会。2.American College Test 美国大学测验。3.Australian Capital Territory (澳大利亚)首都直辖区。n.1.行为;举动;动作。2.决议,决议书;法令,条例。3.(戏剧的)幕,段;简短的节目。4.(牛津;剑桥等大学的)学位论
army act:  陆军刑法,军法。
riot act:  【英史】骚乱取缔令。
volstead act:  〔美国〕禁酒法〔由议员 Volstead 提出〕。
organic act:  [law] 〔美国〕【法律】建制法;基本法。
fulbright act:  傅尔布莱特法案。
Example Sentences:
1.Parliament act 1911
2.Bills may be presented in either the house of commons or the * house of lords , with the exception , since the * parliament act ( 1911 ) , of money bills
3.The relationship between the two houses is governed largely by convention but is in part defined by the parliament acts . the legislative process involves both houses of parliament and the monarch
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